INFRA - A World of its own...
Growing from a tiny seed, evolving into an almost full custom covery of the visual aspect of Transport Tycoon Deluxe, some people would certainly define INFRA as a spectacular addition to an ever so growing enhancement of a classic game from the '90s.
Released in 1994 the Scottish-based game developer Chris Sawyer brought a new vision to the world of gaming art with his Transport Tycoon, which places the player in charge of a business transport company. A vision he succeded with the final release of Transport Tycoon Deluxe at the end of 1995, before moving on to his greatest achievement of all time, the Roller Coaster Tycoon-series.
Several years later Josef Drexler, in the community known as Patchman, started to write on what was to become the TTDPatch, (TTDP), a modification of the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe. With TTDPatch the player has been given a completely new freedom as far as personal customization regards. And introducing not only improvements from a visual point of view, an extended list of various features are now available, never implemented in the original game. The alternative to TTDPatch, the Open source simulation, (OTTD), has taken a somewhat different approach and has an even more extended list of available features for the player to chose from.
INFRA itself is an addition to this enhancement, providing a visual transformation of almost all included graphics in the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe. Currently there are several different projects in development, all of them offering their own specific and unique improvement, and amongst them;
¤ INFRA Buildings¤ INFRA Landscape¤ INFRA Tropicana¤ INFRA Eye Candy¤ INFRA i-structure¤ INFRA DowntownThe first release of a genuine INFRA-file for the TTDLX-community has recently reached our community, (January 2013), and will continue with more as new custom graphics have been coded. While the main development is made within the bounderies of our Artists Guild, project tidbits are presented inside this Visual Studio. For a more in-depth view, the showcase of the fictional nation of Innovatia is highly recommended, which can be found
HERE! INFRA is first and foremost developed inside the bounderies of our Artists Guild, but tidbits are always presented inside this Visual Studio to all our members, for comments, suggestions and feedback in general. INFRA downloads can be obtained within our SimuLibs, and to go directly to SimuLibs for INFRA, simply
HERE!Any questions, please refer to each specific section of our Visual Studios available...
/SAC, INFRA Artist