Information about temporary or permanent banned members!
- V453000
Permanently banned on 2013.09.05 in accordance to ยง5.2 ToS
Reason behind decision; Copyright Infringement
Recognized on two occassions despite being warned. The file/s removed from the provided storage by the host under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, (DMCA), and no longer subject to copyright infringements! Link also provided at TT-forums and removed after repeated requests!
- The member, V453000, provided a link holding a file which included a falsely attached license, originally uploaded without required permission to Once alerted the member, upon notification about a DMCA-request, uploaded a second copy of the file, this time with a different license attached. The member was repeatedly notified that he was not allowed to continue to distribute the file due to his initial attempt to infringe copyright despite being aware of the basic conditions. A second DMCA-request has since removed the file from that system.
The current file license, SL13 do not permit redistribution without written consent. Copies are however distributed on other online resources with the authors permission.
///End decision and description of listed subject///